DORRR’s debut album “Glitch and Glitter” represents the polarities that define her best, and the songs on the album evoke a mixture of emotions like joy, disappointment, and happiness.
Speaking of the album, DORRR explains “The Glitch is the dark part, the dysfunction and the mechanical atmosphere, while the Glitter illuminates, embellishes, makes alive and magical. Unlike the albums made with my other bands, “Glitch & Glitter” was produced entirely in the countryside in intimate conditions. The choice of the DIY method is linked to my experience in the music industry and is a conscious and artistic choice.”
Alongside this powerful debut release, DORRR is an experienced well-rounded musician who has been working within the industry for the past 5 years. Notable achievements include winning the Keychange programme in 2020 (funded by the European Union), completing a world tour as a key member of The Blind Suns, and championing the Keychange programme for a second time in 2021.