The Anara Publishing Blog

Stay up to date with the latest in our placements for our clients, important music industry news and the best tips from the Anara team to get your music out there.


Sync Trends in 2019

With the increasing popularity of streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hulu, 2019 proved to be an interesting time for sync. As the year comes to an end,

Why Get a Music Publishing Deal?

Why Get a Music Publishing Deal?

Signing contracts in the music industry is often perceived as a frightening prospect, whether it be a record, publishing or management deal, to name a few. People often avoid the

When are you ready for a manager?

When are you ready for a manager?

What does a manager do? A manager, not to be confused with an agent, is someone who deals with the day to day organisation of your career. A manager provides

An Interview With... Tom James Parmiter

An Interview With… Tom James Parmiter

Tom James Parmiter joined the Anara Publishing roster in July 2018. Here we chat with him about his creative process and get his thoughts on the importance of music publishing. 


Sync Trends in 2019

With the increasing popularity of streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hulu, 2019 proved to be an interesting time for sync. As the year comes to an end,

Why Get a Music Publishing Deal?

Why Get a Music Publishing Deal?

Signing contracts in the music industry is often perceived as a frightening prospect, whether it be a record, publishing or management deal, to name a few. People often avoid the

When are you ready for a manager?

When are you ready for a manager?

What does a manager do? A manager, not to be confused with an agent, is someone who deals with the day to day organisation of your career. A manager provides

An Interview With... Tom James Parmiter

An Interview With… Tom James Parmiter

Tom James Parmiter joined the Anara Publishing roster in July 2018. Here we chat with him about his creative process and get his thoughts on the importance of music publishing.